
We are working on a lifesaving wearable device for the patients of epilepsy. We would really appreciate if you could complete the following survey. We guarantee that this survey is anonymous and no personal information are collected during this survey. You may skip the questions you don’t feel comfortable about answering.

“Your Opinion Matters”

Question 1

Do you know the origin of your partial epileptic seizure in brain?

Question 2

If yes, then what is the location in brain?

Question 3

Did you undergo EEG recordings to detect partial epileptic seizure?

Question 4

If yes, then what is the duration (in hours) of the recording?

Question 5

Do you have a copy of your EEG recordings in digital format?

Question 6

If No, then can you access it from your doctor?

Question 7

How frequent are your seizures?

Question 8

Are you using any device to monitor seizures?

Question 9

If yes, which current device(s) being used by you?

Question 10

Do you find the current device (s) to be useful for you?

Question 11

How much did you spend on your current device(s)?

Please answer the following questions for such a device:

Question 12

Would you purchase such a device?

Question 13

Will you be willing to wear it regularly?

Question 14

How much will you be willing to pay for such a device?

Question 15

Any special features you would want a future epilepsy prediction device to have?